NOX Technologies wins business plan competition SEGEL SETZEN!
The winners have been announced: NOX Technologies, PAN and CO2 Börse take the first three places in the business plan competition held for the first time across universities in the North-East region.

"Promising business models with innovative technologies, marketing and sales concepts - that was the focus of the jury at SEGEL SETZEN!, the business plan competition organized by the StartUP NORD°OST° alliance. The teams presented the financial, technical and organizational implementation of their business concepts to the expert jury via web conference in an exciting and sometimes unusual way. The participants in this year's competition presented business ideas in the technology fields of digitalization, health, education and the environment. "This is the first time we have held the competition across all universities and we are very satisfied with the response. Despite the special situation this year, we saw many innovative and fascinating business concepts from students from all three universities," says Steve Wendland from the University of Greifswald's start-up office.
1st place: NOX Technologies (Stralsund University of Applied Sciences)
The "NOX Technologies" team led by Anna Völz and Johannes Mai is bringing a smart solution to the door with its "MV1" prototype. The aim is to develop, produce and distribute an electromechanical locking aid that is adapted to the needs of ambient assisted living (AAL). The special features here are that emergency services can gain access to the home of elderly patients in an emergency and life-saving measures can be initiated more quickly.
"We are delighted! To have prevailed in this competition against strong competition from three universities shows us that we are on the right track with our business idea. This gives us the courage to take the next steps now: Finding investors and placing our product on the market," says Anna Völz from the winning team "NOX Technologies".
2nd place: PAN (Stralsund University of Applied Sciences)
PAN is a platform for the provision of drone-based flight and associated evaluation services. For example, it gives farmers and foresters as well as operators and manufacturers of technical facilities that are difficult to access the opportunity to book their service requirements for monitoring their infrastructures and properties with little effort and without market knowledge.
3rd place: CO2 Exchange (University of Greifswald)
The CO2 Exchange is a digital marketplace where CO2 storage services (e.g. from reforestation projects) are sold to private individuals and companies to enable them to offset their individual carbon footprint.
"We received promising submissions from all three universities in this year's SEGEL SETZEN! We will certainly be hearing from some of the participants. I am delighted to have been part of the jury and to be able to give the young, budding founders support for their further development with my feedback," says Anja Schurich, Managing Director of Rehaform GmbH & Co. KG.
The SEGEL SETZEN! business plan competition and the prize money were made possible in a special way by Sparkasse Vorpommern as the main sponsor and Creditreform Mecklenburg-Vorpommern von der Decken KG. Other sponsors of the competition were Mittelständische Beteiligungsgesellschaft Mecklenburg-Vorpommern mbH, Hardtke, Svensson & Partner mbB, IHK Neubrandenburg für das östliche Mecklenburg-Vorpommern and Rehaform GmbH & Co. KG.
The business plan competition SEGEL SETZEN! in StartUP Nord°Ost° is funded by the Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Energy as part of the EXIST-Potentials program.
Background to the competition
SEGEL SETZEN! is the annual business plan competition of the NordOst science region. The focus is on the concise presentation of the financial, technical and organizational implementation of a business concept. The business plan competition supports start-up teams consisting of students, academic staff or employees of universities or non-university research institutions with expert feedback and prize money, enabling the teams to further develop their concepts in a targeted manner."
Universität Greifswald
Steve Wendland Ansprechpartner Gründerbüro Zentrum für Forschungsförderung und Transfer Wollweberstraße 1, 17489 Greifswald Telefon +49 3834 420 1376