Emergency opening

A smart door lock
for saving lives

Every two minutes, emergency services are confronted with locked doors. A lot of time passes before the door can be opened. This time often makes the difference between life and death in an emergency. We offer the solution. NOX gives emergency services direct access to the person seeking help, but only in case of emergency. The regular key for the door can still be used with our smart door lock.

Get to know NOX

Find out how the smart door lock from NOX can help you.

NOX for individuals

The smart door lock from NOX makes you perfectly prepared for emergencies. The state-of-the-art technology not only offers maximum security, but also enables quick access for rescue and care services when it matters. At the same time, you always retain control over who can access your home. Welcome to a new era of safety with NOX.

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NOX for care services

NOX offers innovative solutions for key management in the care sector. With NOX, you can save up to 24 minutes per day and employee by replacing physical keys with digital ones. The care routine is optimized with automatic key distribution and contactless key exchange. This allows you to focus on what's important: care.

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