
Start-up develops door lock that emergency services can open from the outside in an emergency

650,000 times a year, emergency services across Germany are faced with locked doors. The start-up NOX AAL Technologies wants to provide a solution with its smart door lock.

"Helpers condemned to do nothing"

"That's the horror for us as rescue workers," says Brussig. This powerlessness, this inability to do anything, is nerve-wracking. Especially as situations like this happen regularly, as Alexander Müller (32), head of the DRK rescue station in the island's capital, confirms.

But the inviolability of the home is regulated in Article 13 of the Basic Law. Only the police or fire department may gain access in such cases.

In the case of the senior citizen from Bergen, they were at least able to make contact during the waiting time, says Brussig. And fortunately, the woman, who, as it turned out, had suffered a fractured neck of femur, was not in acute mortal danger." OSTSEEZEITUNG (06/19/2023, 12:18)

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